Welcome to the FROSTBYTE lab

Explore the world of cybersecurity with our state-of-the-art research and innovative solutions.

Frostbyte – The cybersecurity research laboratory is a collaborative initiative between Reykjavik University and the University of Iceland, operating in conjunction with Eyvör (NCC-IS), a platform dedicated to education, training, and research in the field of cybersecurity in Iceland.

Frostbyte aspires to be a leading center for cybersecurity research, with the goal of enhancing Iceland's resilience against cyber threats by providing a venue for in-depth research and the development of advanced security technologies. The laboratory's mission is to bridge the gap between academic research and practical solutions, addressing both current and future security challenges through coordinated research projects.

Frostbyte plays a pivotal role in supporting the strategic objectives of Eyvör (NCC-IS), aligning its activities with national and European security goals, and contributing to capacity building at various administrative and professional levels. The laboratory ensures that research findings are communicated to government bodies, private sector partners, and academic institutions, thereby aiding in the formulation of effective cybersecurity policies. Additionally, it aims to advance the research and development of technical solutions and to foster the education and training of skilled professionals to support the cybersecurity needs of Iceland and contribute to the broader European community.

This project has received co-funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme.

Our partners:

Presentation slides about the Frostbyte lab

Presentation slides

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